How to Keep a Kiddie Pool Clean?

How to Keep a Kiddie Pool Clean? Simple 7 STEPS Only

Whether you purchased an inflatable pool or a solid plastic kiddie pool, the fact is that it won’t remain in pristine condition for long. It can get dirty in storage. It will get dirty sitting outside. Your kids may happily add to the mess.

Fortunately, we’re here to tell you how to keep a kiddie pool clean for your loved kids.

Lest Get Start How to Keep a Kiddie Pool Clean

01. Drain It

You can’t properly clean a kiddie pool without draining out the water and existing mess

You can’t properly clean a kiddie pool without draining out the water and existing mess. You may want to drain the pool near a storm drain.

However, you don’t want to drain it where you normally leave it, because then the pool will be surrounded by mud. That will only result in it getting dirty faster in the future.

02. Wipe It Down with a Clean Rag

Use a clean cloth or paper towels for your kiddie pool

If you want to know how to keep kiddie pool clean, know that it starts with using clean cleaning supplies. For example, you won’t get rid of debris if you use a dirty rag. Nor will a dirty wash cloth do a good job removing algae growth around the rim of the pool.

Use a clean cloth or paper towels for the job. You can discard the paper towels. You’ll need to wash the cleaning cloths before reusing them elsewhere, unless you want to reintroduce the algae and mold you are trying to get rid of.

03. Make Your Own Cleaning Solution

You can start with a mixture of soap and water to clean the pool

You can start with a mixture of soap and water to clean the pool. You can use dish soap for this job. This is a good choice if there is just dirt and leaves in the pool.

What can you do to clean the pool if your children have peed and pooped in it?

An effective cleaning solution for sterilizing kiddie pools is one part bleach for five parts water. If you add five liters of water, include one liter of bleach. 

This solution should sit in the kiddie pool for a while, because you want it to kill the algae and germs growing in the pool. Scrub dirty areas with a brush while minimizing physical contact with the bleach-laced water.

Don’t let your children play near the pool while you do this, because bleach water splashing into their eyes can be painful.

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04. Drain the Pool

Drain the bleach water mixture and any debris into an appropriate drain

Drain the bleach water mixture and any debris into an appropriate drain. Note that this should not go down any storm drain that drains directly into the watershed.

 Avoid draining bleach water onto your grass, since this isn’t healthy. Never pour the water onto your trees. They are more sensitive to chlorine than your grass.

In fact, this is the same reason why you should never water your trees or garden with swimming pool water.

05. Rinse the Pool

The cleaned pool still has traces of chlorine bleach in it

The cleaned pool still has traces of chlorine bleach in it. The fumes can be hazardous if you leave the pool sitting in the side of the garage or a storage shed. Rinse the pool several times with clean water to remove all bleach residue.

Note that you need to do the same if you’re washing away soap residue, though the soap residue isn’t as dangerous in an enclosed space as bleach would be.

06. Dry Everything Out

clean swimming pool into storage

Mold, algae and bacteria need water to live. This is why you don’t want to put a damp but clean swimming pool into storage. You’re almost guaranteeing that the mold will come back once dust or debris settles on the surface of the pool.

The simplest solution is to leave the swimming pool sitting out in the sun to dry. (This is why they say sunlight is the best disinfectant.) If you live somewhere where windblown leaves and dust may accumulate in the pool, flip it over so it can drip dry.

You’ll want to cover or flip over a pool if your area is a mosquito breeding ground, too.

Only flip it over and refill

Only flip it over and refill it when you’re ready to let the kids play in it. This doesn’t just keep the pool clean. It reduces the risk of accidental drowning.

Next time you refill the pool, add a quarter of a teaspoon of bleach to the water. This is similar to the chlorination levels in larger swimming pools.

It won’t hurt your child, but it will inhibit algae growth.

Only flip it over and refill it when you’re ready to let the kids play in it

07. Repeat the Process Weekly

If you own a full-sized swimming pool, you know you have to skim it for leaves and debris regularly. You have to clean out the skimmers and the water filters, as well.

The same is true for your kiddie pool. Ideally, it should be cleaned after every use. For simplicity’s sake, you should clean it at least once a week.


Children’s swimming pools need maintenance for the sake of your children’s health. Follow our simple pool cleaning process to prevent the kiddie pool from turning into a literal mess. For more updates, Keep continue your visit to

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